Saturday, May 1, 2021

Climbing the Ledge Hill Slide Visible from I-87 b/t Pottersville and Schroon Lake in Vanderwhacker Wild Forest

Jim Pavoldi

If you've found this post, you're looking for details on climbing the slide that is visible from the Northway I-87 near Chester, between Pottersville and Schroon Lake. 

I have been up several times last year and as the Vanderwalker road now runs to a turnaround right underneath it, but it is private (confirmed) and heavily posted in 2021. While there are reports of bushwhacks in from the north (10 miles round trip), there are also rumors of ascents (with landowner permission) as recent as 2016. 

I have reached out to some folks claiming to have climbed it as recently as 2016 and will update as I gather details if a line was established... For now I am taking off my list of local missions as I have confirmed with Ray Brook that it's private.

I 87 Chester Pottersville Schroon Slide Climb

Rock climbing the Ledge Hill Slide near Schroon Lake (visible slide from I 87)

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